Workout individually to become good at basketball
In professional and amateur sport basketball players hold workouts under the direction of and observation of coaches of the team. But to all this to achieve good results, the athlete has to be able to train and independently. Daily independent workouts and games, since youthfully years, will give the chance to achieve skill and to become the high-class basketball player with pronounced individual qualities. You have to know that no trainer will be able to prepare the high-class master if the athlete does daily not aspire to it.
Here, for example, all of us know that to seize shot accuracy, basketball players should be improved daily, starting from youthful age.
Level of skill of basketball players who are engaged independently grows quickly enough because athletes find more time for workouts, constantly improve the individual style of execution of these or those receptions, and also those receptions most of which of all correspond to their features. As a result of such actions players of the various plan grow up.
In such independent workouts at the athlete the creative initiative develops. During such trainings basketball players find new executions of various techniques which answer their features, and also study and in own way redo new techniques which they noticed at players of the highest class.
In such workouts, first of all the creative thinking of the player develops. The basketball player, studying and trying this or that reception, has to think of how it is better to execute it when and as to apply it constantly. Such workouts are directed to increase in individual tactical skill.
Basketball players who conduct independently workouts have to think constantly of increase in level of the skill, of the sportswear, and also has to remember team in which it plays always. He has to be interested constantly in all that, as for basketball. It is an indispensable condition for achievement of high level of skill.
The existing systems of sports preparation, big load, duration of games demand from the athlete of reasonable approach to the organization and holding independent workouts. The very first technical and tactical skills the basketball player has to will receive during the workouts under the leadership of the trainer. Further the beginning basketball player should give help in holding workouts, and for this purpose it is necessary:
- to make the individual plan of independent workouts. In this plan it is necessary to point to concrete exercises their duration, etc. The trainer has to check the course of implementation of the made plan periodically.
- every day to carry out a certain quantity of penalty shots from the points established by the trainer. In a visible place to hang up the table of performance of the set results.
- to give a task for improvement of receptions which demand completion it is obligatory to specify the term of performance of a task. After the termination of the planned term without fail to check results.
- to constantly keep account of hit of penalty shots, and also points which were specified by the trainer. After the end of a training to announce the achieved results.
- to organize among members of team of a competition in performance of a number of techniques.
To try to invite the audience to such competitions. It is obligatory to create the table of results and to constantly fill in it. After the end of competitions to announce the achieved results. What at analysis of results it is necessary to recommend to all players of means for independent achievement of good results will be very important. To establish to all players terms of performance of tasks and results. After the termination of terms to check the reached indicators in a competition. Team players have to compete independently.
We result in your attention the simplest recommendations which give the chance to young basketball players to accustom ourselves to holding independent workouts. It is very important that the trainer managed to impart to the pupils love to independent occupations and taught them to do all this correctly. From as far as the trainer will be able to impart the ward skills of independent workouts, the further growth of their skill will depend in the future.
Content of an independent workouts
The independent training of the basketball player contains the following types of workouts:
- physical,
- technical,
- tactical,
- theoretical,
- strong-willed.
Physical training. As well as any other athlete, the basketball player has to be comprehensively developed athlete. To become such, it is necessary to develop at itself such qualities as force, dexterity, speed, a spring ability and endurance.
During the general command trainings, the general and special physical training is improved. But if you play only basketball, then will not be able to reach good comprehensive physical shape. For this purpose, it is necessary to do also other sports, first of all, such as track and field athletics.
The main physical qualities for the basketball player are force, endurance and speed. Some other qualities, such as dexterity and a spring ability completely depend on development of the main qualities. In each separate sport these qualities have the specifics. Therefore, improving the qualities it is worth to remember about it.
Technical training. In basketball, a variety and perfection of techniques has no borders and in most cases completely depends on individual qualities of the basketball player. In this regard quality of performance of different techniques, their variety and application during the game, players are obliged to improve independently. If the player constantly improves the techniques, then over time it is possible to reach unprecedented virtuosity. During the independent workouts it is necessary not only to eliminate the defects, but also to improve the primary parties of preparation. It is necessary to bring them to the maximum perfection. Observance of these of the rule gives the chance to grow up from players of masters with various handwriting of a game who during the competitions fully use the individual qualities.
But it is necessary to go into extremes. The beginning basketball players have to seize all arsenal of techniques. It is possible to start specialization of players only in that case when they already pick up” to themselves these or those techniques which will define their identity.
It is necessary to remember as well that at independent workouts it is necessary to improve also the weaknesses and to try to eliminate the defects.
Tactical preparation. One of important sections in training of the basketball player is tactical preparation. Very often large number of time is given to difficult command tactical schemes though not all players well acquired fundamentals of individual tactics. Happens so that the basketball player not fully mastered basic provisions in protection, and he begins to be trained already in “pressure” where paramount value plays individual execution of protective receptions.
Training in individual tactics of conducting a game should be begun with the first lesson at which technique of playing basketball is studied. The basketball player needs to explain properly when as, and what technique should be used when and how to work in the circumstances. It should be done always when each separate reception of the equipment is studied. Successfully to work in the developed game situation, the basketball player has to not only carry out well various techniques, but he has to also be able to choose in this situation the most expedient reception, and also a way of its performance.
The nobility as it is correct to work in the circumstances is not enough. It is necessary to be able to apply correctly the knowledge and to embody them in a game. Therefore skills of individual tactics it is necessary to seize and improve at individual workouts, constantly improving the game equipment. So, for example, if during the training three and more players take part, then it is possible to improve the simplest group actions in offense (attack 2×1, 2×2) and in protection (secure, switching).
Theoretical preparation. Long ago it is known that knowledge is force. Therefore, presently difficulties of techniques of training of basketball players, the volume of various means, modern tactics and the equipment demand good knowledge in this area. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to think about successful increase in skill of players and teams, assimilation of tactical schemes and techniques.
Theoretical preparation has to consist of these main methods:
– about methods of modern sports training,
– about the applied methods and means,
– about tactical schemes of conducting a game,
– about morning exercises,
– about warm-up at a practice and before a game,
– about rules of the game and about its development,
– about sports medicine and hygiene.
It is also necessary to know how to hold independent training. The basketball player has to acquire well all requirements which are imposed to performance of techniques that with success to improve them on independent occupations. To gain such knowledge base, the basketball player needs to read the recommended literature, to be interested constantly in questions of conducting training and development of a game. It is also necessary to attend constantly various competitions and tournaments, whenever possible to visit training of other teams, to adopt play experience of the best basketball players from other teams.
Strong-willed preparation. The will is ability of the person which gives it the chance to overcome any obstacles and to reach an objective. Strong-willed it is accepted to call the person who set the object for himself, is able to mobilize all the forces and knowledge for achievement of this purpose, and also will be able to overcome any obstacles which arise on its way.
To estimate extent of manifestation of strong-willed qualities of the person quite difficult, but it should be made that further it was possible to regulate strong-willed training of the basketball player. And the player also has to be able to estimate correctly the strong-willed readiness, and also development of the separate strong-willed qualities.